How to remove a tick from your dog?

When you're removing a tick, you need to prioritize removing it in one piece. If you are careless, the mouth of the tick might stay in your dog's skin causing discomfort.
We suggest using a pair of tweezers to grasp the tick. When first grasping the tick bring the tweezers as close to your dog's skin as possible. When you are ready to extract the parasite apply slow and even upward pressure.
Once you have removed the tick, you need to make sure it won't latch back onto your dog or latch onto you. We recommend you prep a container of alcohol or soapy water before extracting the tick so that you can submerge the parasite once you have pulled it off. The tick will drown and you won't have to worry about it coming back for seconds.
You can apply Vaseline over the tick and completely cover it and it will back out because it’s suffocating. When it begins to try to move just grab it with tweezers. Make sure you give pills for ticks and fleas, since we give heart worm shots now, and please vaccinate for Lyme because it can be passed to you through zoonosis. I have a compromised immune system and my vet has added a few vaccines to my dogs vaccine plan to protect them and me.
was a good tip for removing ticks
I live in Tick Central in rural NJ. With six-eight deer sleeping on the front lawn, you can’t avoid deer (or any other) ticks. One of the best tools to keep on hand for tick removal is a Tick Key. Most pet stores carry them and they remove the whole tick. Ticks in this area have also been found to carry Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever, which can affect dogs s well as their owners.
NexGard kills the ticks as soon as they bite so that they don’t get a chance to latch on. Our vet used it on his own three dogs before he recommended it for his patients, which is the only reason why I give it to our dog. Be wary of the flea & tick collars from China, they carry a pesticide that you do not want near your family or your pet.
I usually burn the tick or flush it down the toilet. Another option is to wrap it in clear shipping tape and dispose. They do not die easily and are hard to drown.
Totally agree with Holly. Use q-tip and apply some alcohol to the tick. Very good suggestion Holly.
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