Best Dog Bed For My Dog's Breed

There are many factors to consider when choosing the correct size bed for your dog. Don’t rely solely on the weight of your dog. Dogs that weigh the same can vary greatly in their dimensions and the space they require. Also, don’t rely solely on your dog's breed. Dogs that are the same breed can vary greatly in size and shape.
When in doubt, always go with a larger bed. If you have space, more surface area is a better option. This gives your dog more room to get comfortable.
When considering a bolster bed remember that the bolster does take up some of the sleep surface so check the dimensions carefully. We always recommend ordering one size up with a bolster.
When measuring your pup, use a tape measure and measure from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail. Add between 5” and 10” to ensure they’ll have enough space. Your measurement + the extra 5”-10” will give you the length of the bed you’ll need.
After you’ve determined the length of the bed you’ll need, consider your dog's sleeping style. Do they usually sprawl out, curl up, lean up against things?
Sprawlers love to stretch out. These are the pups that will lay on their side, flip on their backs, use all the surface area their bed has to offer. Tough Rectangle Beds
Curlers prefer to curl up when they sleep. Paws and noses tucked in to provide warmth and conserve body heat. Tough Deep Den Beds or Tough Round Beds
Leaners love the sense of security bolster beds can bring. They like to lean up against something and prop their heads on pillows. Tough Bolster Beds
For really big dogs, consider our K9 Giant Beds that offer more surface area and an optional bolster. They are made with thicker 7” orthopedic mattresses for maximum pressure relief. K9 Giant Rectangle Beds or K9 Giant Bolster Beds.
The list below is only a guide for recommending bed size. If your pup is on the larger size for their breed, we recommend going with the next size up.
Breeds that range from 5-60 pounds |
Affenpinscher |
American Eskimo |
Australian Terrier |
Basenji |
Beagle |
Bedlington Terrier |
Bichon Frise |
Border Terrier |
Boston Terrier |
Brussels Griffon |
Cairn Terrier |
Cardigan Welsh Corgi |
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel |
Chihuahua |
Chinese Crested |
Coton de Tulear |
Dachshund |
Dandie Dinmont Terrier |
English Toy Spaniel |
Fox Terrier – Smooth |
Fox Terrier – Wirehair |
French Bulldog |
German Pinscher |
Glen Imaal Terrier |
Italian Greyhound |
Japanese Chin |
Lakeland Terrier |
Maltese |
Manchester Terrier (Standard) |
Manchester Terrier (Toy) |
Papillon |
Pomeranian |
Poodle Miniature |
Poodle Toy |
Pug |
Puli |
Schipperke |
Scottish Terrier |
Sealyham Terrier |
Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie) |
Shiba Inu |
Shih Tzu |
Silky Terrier |
Skye Terrier |
Tibetan Spaniel |
Tibetan Terrier |
Toy Fox Terrier |
Welsh Terrier |
West Highland White Terrier |
Whippet |
Yorkshire Terrier |
Breeds that range from 35-90 pounds |
Airdale Terrier |
American Staffordshire Terrier |
American Water Spaniel |
Australian Cattle Dog |
Australian Shepherd |
Basset Hound |
Bearded Collie |
Border Collie |
Brittany |
Bull Dog |
Bull Terrier |
Canaan Dog |
Chinese Shar-Pei |
Chow Chow |
Cocker Spaniel-American |
Cocker Spaniel-English |
Dalmatian |
English Springer Spaniel |
Field Spaniel |
Flat-Coated Retriever |
Finnish Spitz |
Harrier |
Ibizan Hound |
Irish Terrier |
Irish Water Spaniel |
Keeshond |
Kerry Blue Terrier |
Norwegian Elkhound |
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever |
Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen |
Pharaoh Hound |
Plott Hound |
Pointer |
Polish Lowland Sheepdog |
Portuguese Water Dog |
Redbone Coonhound |
Saluki |
Samoyed |
Siberian Husky |
Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier |
Staffordshire Bull Terrier |
Standard Schnauzer |
Sussex Spaniel |
Vizsla |
Welsh Springer Spaniel |
Wirehaired Pointing Griffon |
Breeds that range from 55-90 pounds |
Afghan Hound |
Alaskan Malamute |
American Foxhound |
Beauceron |
Belgian Malinois |
Belgian Sheepdog |
Belgian Tervuren |
Black And Tan Coonhound |
Black Russian Terrier |
Bouvier Des Flandres |
Boxer |
Briard |
Chesapeake Bay Retriever |
Clumber Spaniel |
Collie (Rough) & (Smooth) |
Curly Coated Retriever |
Doberman Pinscher |
English Foxhound |
English Setter |
German Shepherd Dog |
German Shorthaired Pointer |
German Wirehaired Pointer |
Giant Schnauzer |
Golden Retriever |
Gordon Setter |
Greyhound |
Irish Setter |
Komondor |
Labrador Retriever |
Old English Sheepdog (Bobtail) |
Poodle Standard |
Rhodesian Ridgeback |
Scottish Deerhound |
Spinone Italiano |
Tibetan Mastiff |
Weimaraner |
Breeds that range from 75-200+ pounds |
Akita |
Anatolian Sheepdog |
Bernese Mountain Dog |
Bloodhound |
Borzoi |
Bullmastiff |
Great Dane |
Great Pyrenees |
Great Swiss Mountain Dog |
Irish Wolfhound |
Kuvasz |
Mastiff |
Neopolitan Mastiff |
Newfoundland |
Otter Hound |
Rottweiler |
Saint Bernard |
Leonberger |
If your still unsure what size to choose based on weight or breed, try this measurement method:
- Measure your dog from the base of their tail to the tip of their nose
- Add 10” to that measurement
- Choose a bed with the same or greater length to the measurement you came up with
- If your measurement is not exactly equal to the length of a bed offered, we suggest rounding up
Have 2 Dane pups in Kennels, approx. 50" long. Your XXL armored bed states 50" long. Does this mean the bed is 50" long or will fit 50" kennels? Should I go w/the XXL or XL?
We have 2 small Labradors, 57 lbs. They sleep together in a 48 in. crate. I have your pad on the bottom but would like a softer “pillow bed” on top. What do you recommend? 40" or 54"?
Hi. I have a 7 month old chihuahua puppy who has managed to demolish every bed I have purchased for her. She probably weighs 6 lbs now. She is very destructive. HELP! Any ideas which bed I should purchase?
Hi Doria, our bed covers are made from a mixture of polyester and nylon.
I have 2 Labrador/Doberman 4 month old puppies. They are growing fast and are big chewers. Our female, has allergies, and I need to know what the material is made out of.
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